A No-Brainer For Students – Get A FREE Ticket To TechChill

I don’t always envy students, but when I do, it’s when they get freaking sweet offers… and this one beats them all! 💯

Almost 4 years ago the founder of the startup I was working for bought tickets to TechChill 2014. At that time when you read a word ‘conference’, you’d normally prepare for:

  1. Boring Powerpoint presentations with a lot of text
  2. Sales people trying to sell you stuff you don’t need
  3. Lots of shy people in uncomfortable suits with whom it was impossible to start a conversation with, if they didn’t know you beforehand. 🙄

However, TechChill seemed promising and I was actually looking forward to attending a ‘conference’ – and was not let down!

Why was TechChill different?

  1. People were looking forward to meeting new people and helping each other succeed
  2. Keynotes were straight-to-the-point, didn’t contain walls of text and were actually useful
  3. I could meet and talk with ANY keynote speaker – no matter the caliber
  4. Startup “booths” at the expo were projects that you’d actually like to interact with (discuss projects, meet the founders, test prototypes, give feedback)
  5. It’s actually hard to find someone very shy and wearing a suit. 😋

Since 2014 TechChill has grown exponentially and reached 1’100 🔥 attendees in February ‘17. They say that a picture is worth more than a thousand words and a video is worth more than a thousand pictures so here’s a short recap (that’s a million words!):

Watch ALL the keynotes from TechChill 2017 here (scroll down a bit ;).

TechChill continues to grow exponentially and is expecting more than 2’000 🔥 people to attend in February, 2018, which means even more founders, prototypes, investors, networking, synergies – you name it 😏

Now comes the part where I’m envying students (whereas normally I’m not!). This year students are entitled to a free two-day ticket (worth €159+) at the expense of Swedbank.

I’m no longer a student but if I was, I’d definitely cancel all my plans for February 8-9 2018 and grab the free 2-day pass by completing one of the two student challenges here until Sunday, December 3.

C U @ TechChill 2018!

P.Ssssssssst: Here’s the recap of the afterparty @ K.K. fon Stricka villa feat. Singapuras Satins 🤓:

Do you have any questions or comments? Please leave them below and I’ll reply! 🤘

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